Please, come inside.

Jewelry -
presently only a few images :-)

I have only recently started making wooden jewelry, so there are only a few photos in the gallery at the moment. However, I know that many people like my wooden pendants (wear them ), which is a serious motivation for me to develop this direction. New photos are coming soon!

Take a peek
wejście do galerii z biżuterią

wejście do pracowni


Abandoned page

I was supposed to publish something like a blog here, or a diary - a few words about what I'm doing now and a few photos. Short videos showing the way I work, etc.

It turns out that publishing on Facebook and here at the same time is a bit too much. After all, one has to sculpt the wood from time to time :-).

Therefore, I'm giving up on this section and instead I invite you to my Facebook page.

To my Facebook page


Treat yourself :-)

If you find my works interesting and you see something for yourself here, please visit my micro-shop (or gallery, booth, stand, kiosk or wherever you want to call it). There will definitely be a few items there that you can buy, and for me every purchase is a confirmation that someone likes what I do and that my work has some meaning.

To the store

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